Gigastructures are highly theoretical, artificial, and gigantic constructions. The limits and definitions of these structures vary considerably, from the size of small asteroids to those that span galaxies. This is a collection of gigastructures that I want to see in reality. All works were modeled, rendered, and processed in Blender, with some works using particle effects made in EmberGen.
civilization type I
An alien, bioluminescent civilization reaches a Type 1 civilization, having complete their development of their home planet entirely.
The red lighthouse
A far off planet acts as a lighthouse for interstellar traders and merchants to guide their way.
Sean Raymond system
A hypothetical solar system thought up by Sean Raymond, consisting of a super massive black hole in the center, with 9 stars (8 in this project) and up to 550 habitable planets.
A city-state has to deal with a new and unknown structure that appears on their shores.
to the moon
Per Aspera, Ad Astra. A dream to go back to the Moon.
A scouting machine intelligence discovers a planet that a civilization before them created.
murasaki fleet
A colonial fleet comes out of faster than light travel prepares to land on a strange, purple, and habitable planet.
my blue home
Alone on an ocean planet, there is only a moon that dominates the blue sky.